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Travel Stress Due To Food Anxiety?! Let's Talk Travel Snack Hacks.

The summer months mean holiday time. Traveling can be so exciting, but, for some of my clients, travel can bring stress and anxiety around food. I work with clients who travel for both work and pleasure on how to ensure peace while on the road.

Common food anxieties that come up:

  • Fear of getting too hungry while traveling

  • Worrying about finding satiating snacks

  • Fear of not finding the foods we are accustomed to

Here are my top four travel and food tips to alleviate that stress and make traveling much more successful for you:

1. Eat ahead of time. If you know you are going to the airport, make sure you eat a well balanced meal ahead of time. That way, if you end up having to rush, you will already be fully charged and ahead of the game.

2. Pack snacks. It sounds so simple, but most of us use the space in our luggage for clothes or shoes and don’t prioritize bringing a snack in our bags. I always travel with protein bars and nuts.

  • Hit up the bars! Protein bars are a satiating snack to have on hand. Everyone looks for different nutrition cues from their bars – at JuliENERGYnutrition, we focus on bars that have more than 10g protein, no artificial sweeteners, and ingredients that are easy to read and understand. Lately, we’ve been rotating between our very own JuliENERGY Bars (see below to order), Kind Protein Bars, Oatmega Bars, RX Bars, and Health Warrior Protein Bars.

  • Nuts about traveling. My nut of choice is usually a bag of unsalted roasted almonds. When we fly, we are at a higher risk of dehydration, so always pay attention to the sodium content of your snack. Walnuts are my other nut of choice, as these two also provide the highest content of Omega – 3. Make your nut snack more fun by adding dried fruit, pretzels, or dried edamame to add color, crunch, and flavor.

  • Non-perishable protein populars: Let’s bring back the good ol’ PB + J sandwich. If you are traveling on a longer flight and are looking for more than just a snack out of your food – pack a PB + J (an “Almond butter + J” sandwich works, too, by the way!). It’s easy to make, lightweight, and will keep in your bag all day long. Another favorite of mine is a banana, orange, or apple. Yes, these things do “perish,” but if you want to bring one of these fruits in your bag for the travel day, go right ahead! Another vegan-friendly non-perishable protein you can pack is a travel packet of protein powder. Add a packet to any fluid you can find for a boost of protein.

3. Airport snack stops. Sometimes we are rushing out the door, and we cannot prepare the way we want to. Here are some of my airport snack go-to’s:

  • Magazine shop bop – Almost every airport has a “news stand” store full of snacks. Many of them have bags of nuts and selections of protein bars that you can snatch if you didn’t have time to pack them. You can also grab a greek yogurt or a hummus snack container from the refrigerated section.

  • Starbucks savvy – Not every airport will have a Starbucks, but this has been a safe spot to find satiating sandwiches and boxes. You can find egg soufflés, protein boxes, turkey sandwiches, and yogurt parfaits which are great protein-packed options to purchase if you’ve skipped your usual meal.

  • Fast food formula– Okay. We have all been there. Our usual choices are not available. We are hungry, or we know we will be. Pick a spot to stop, drop, and enjoy. Find a meal that is lower in sodium, filled with protein, and has some fiber to keep you full. You can order a grilled chicken sandwich from McDonalds or a turkey sub at Subway. Wendy’s also has some satiating salads. Don’t discount the nearest Mexican food shop either: a burrito bowl with avocado, chicken, and brown rice is a great option.

4. Pass security and beeline for that WATER. One of the most important things to take on the plane with you is WATER. I always always always travel with a bottle of whatever water I can find. Yes, they will likely have water on the plane, but you are more at risk for becoming dehydrated as the cup size is a lot smaller than a water bottle would be. Be more mindful of the environment by bringing your own water bottle to fill up at a water fountain or restaurant after security.

All in all, plan ahead just as you would for any regular day of eating success, and you should be good to go. Food anxiety while traveling is real – gear up as best as you can, and always have a safety snack at the bottom of your bag.

Have specific dietary needs and want to make sure you are well-equipped to travel without food anxiety? Give us a call at 954-655-8543, or email us at to set up your next appointment.

* To order your own box of JuliENERGYbars:

1. Click the link below


3. Click “Add to cart” and then type in JULIE5REE to get 5 free bars!

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