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GF Banana Oat Protein Pancakes

A gluten free, all natural, fiber and protein packed pancake.
So easy to make you can pretend like it's the weekend all the time.
1 egg
4 oz unsweetened applesauce
1 (5.3) oz Greek Yogurt (vanilla or plain flavor)
3/4 cup oats
2 ripe bananas
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1. Combine all ingredients in food processor
2. Heat skillet to medium heat - use coconut oil or spray to keep pan coated
3. Drop batter onto skillet to make three small circles
4. Cook for 1 - 2 min and flip when browned to cook opposite side
5. Make sure pan is coated between each round and repeat steps 3 and 4 until batter is all used
Things to note:
Makes about 12 - 14 small pancakes
Eat with almond butter, jam, fruit or maple syrup!
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