4 Ways to Continue Your Intuitive Eating Journey in a Hurricane
With the craziness that’s ensuing in South Florida, we need to be reminded of the things we can control and the things we can’t control....

5 Ways to Keep Diet Culture Out of the Classroom
We live in a time where diet culture is palpable everywhere. We live in a world where fat is shamed and food is scrutinized, and children...

The Real "About Me." - A Letter to My Community on My Outlook as a Dietitian.
Hi Friends, I wanted to take this time to reintroduce myself and my company / brand. I have been a dietitian since 2013 and my company is...

Fruit is NOT the enemy.
Fruit is NOT the enemy. I often have clients who tell me they cut fruit out of their life. Or, they limit fruit to only once in a while,...