Free Yourself of Diet Culture This January
It’s January, Diet Culture’s favorite month. Time to start strengthening our tools for navigating this challenging time. Many of us are...

5 Ways to Keep Diet Culture Out of the Classroom
We live in a time where diet culture is palpable everywhere. We live in a world where fat is shamed and food is scrutinized, and children...

A Registered Dietitian's Thoughts on Why Burger King’s “Real Meal” Campaign “Really Messed Up”
For those of you who didn’t know, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Burger King came out with “Real Meals.” To claim that “Its...

Scooped Apple Salad with Pazazz
Apples are my all-time favorite fruit! They are crunchy and also soft. They can have a sweet flavor and can also have a tart zingy...

The Real "About Me." - A Letter to My Community on My Outlook as a Dietitian.
Hi Friends, I wanted to take this time to reintroduce myself and my company / brand. I have been a dietitian since 2013 and my company is...

Managing Passover Mindfully
The story of Passover portrays the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt. It is described as a spring festival commemorating...